Protect your your guest experience.

Elevate your hospitality business with an insurance partner committed to helping you navigate the unique challenges of the industry.

Deliver exceptional service with confidence. Crane Agency crafts insurance for the hospitality industry with an understanding of the importance of guest satisfaction, safety and operational excellence. We help cover your business, so you’re free to focus on what you do best: creating unforgettable experiences for your guests.
Mitigate property damage and liability exposures through tailored commercial property and liability coverages.
  • Customized coverage for hotels, restaurants, event venues and other properties
  • Protection against guest injuries, food safety issues, liquor liability and more
  • Dedicated teams for efficient claims handling and restoration
Safeguard against losses from operational disruptions caused by disasters, supply chain issues or on-premises incidents.
  • Tailored policies accounting for specific revenue streams and expenses
  • Coverage for lost profits, relocation costs and other disruption-related expenses
Enhance workplace safety, food safety, customer security and overall risk mitigation.
  • Comprehensive facility audits and inspections by certified professionals
  • Customized training programs for staff on safety protocols and best practices
  • Ongoing advisory support to continually improve safety and security measures
Every organization in the hospitality industry faces unique challenges. That is why we design custom insurance solutions that fit your specific needs.
We create custom insurance solutions for a range of operations, including:
  • Hotels
  • Resorts
  • Restaurants
  • Food Service Companies
  • Event and Banquet Centers
  • Convention Centers
  • Concert Halls and Theaters
  • Entertainment Venues

No matter your organization, we can partner with you to create custom insurance solutions. When it comes to securing your peace of mind—that’s a job we take very seriously. Because at the end of the day, our business is ensuring that your business keeps running.

Our access to leading carriers provides better options.


Discover resources to help you better understand and manage your coverage. 

Lead with confidence.
We’re here to help you feel prepared for whatever life brings your way.